Get In Touch Supports other OSDI systems too!
One-Time Setup sets customer business logic and transformations
Then nightly:
Sync uses OSDI to communicate with VAN, Salesforce, Action Network and other systems, so other CRMs are supported. If you need help getting API keys, we can help.
Fill out a form with your custom fields, campaigns, and the logic you want to apply Activist Codes.
See the table to the right for some examples of the rules and logic which can be configured
Note: SF == Salesforce, SF Campaigns are represented as Lists in OSDI, AC == VAN Activist Code, which is represented as a Tag in OSDI
Condition | Action |
SF Engagement Level < 1 | Exclude/Ignore |
SF Engagement level > 1 |
Apply "Engagement Level-X" AC (where X is the value) |
Member of SF 'supervols' campaign | Apply VAN Activist Code 'Volunteer' |
SF field 'ElectedOfficial__c' is true | Apply VAN "Elected Official" Activist Code |
if "Precinct" district in VAN | Push the value into SF field 'Precinct__c' |
You get to choose which custom fields should be retrieved from Salesforce.
When downloading a record, if the synchronizer has seen it before, and these fields haven't changed, it will not waste OSDI API calls to VAN.
When a new or updated record is detected, the transformation will be run, according to the customer's selections as above.
Customization is flexible via Javascript.
When your synchronization job completes, you will receive a status report in email. The synchronizer will explain what it did for each record, activist codes added, and if any errors arose.
Time UTC | Level | Message |
11:12:45am | INFO | |
11:12:45am | INFO | |
11:12:46am | INFO | |
11:12:47am | INFO | |
11:12:47am | INFO |